Senin, 09 November 2009

Sound isolation systems technologies

Sound isolation systems was a property created specially for in ear headphones that musicians used during live performances to cancel out the sound isolation of cheering and other outside noises so that they could concentrate on their own music and instruments. Along with MP3 players, these kind of headphones are becoming increasingly popular since music lovers would like to block background noise and enjoy a high quality music listening experience.

Today is the age of new inventions and technologies. Advancement in technology has come about almost in every stream and has given people more choices to opt for sound isolation. Today, it is easy to enhance one's movie-watching environment. Now, more and more people are turning their ordinary TV rooms into home theaters. But advances in technology have given people more choices for home theater setups, and some people find that a home theater is more convenient than a movie theater and the picture and sound are amazing.

Sometimes we get so tired with our hectic and noisy world. We simply wish we could go to a tranquil forest and rest our minds for a few hours; to look for peace and calmness. Or sometimes when you are in crowded place or in place where the background noise is a bit too loud, it gets simply impossible to have a conversation with the person sitting next to you. It is irritating as you would have to strain to hear what he is saying, and in turn you have to shout so he can hear what you are saying. Now, thanks to technology, the latest innovation you can actually achieve this-The Noise Canceling Headphones.

Minggu, 16 Agustus 2009

obat tradisional habbatussauda

Obat tradisional habbatussauda banyak sekali manfaatnya dan setiap produk setahu saya punya khasiat tersendiri. Berikut beberapa khasiat dari obat tradisional habbatussauda :

Habbatussauda extra :
Dapat membatu menyembuhkan maag, diare, kolesterol, hepatitis, diabetes, haid tdk teratur, TBC, darah tinggi, anemia, darah rendah, keputihan, insomnia, impotensi, batu ginjal, kandungan kurang subur dll

Habbatussauda 100 Al-Ghuroba :
Berhasiat untuk meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh dan membersihkan racun dalam tubuh serta membantu revitalitas otak.

Habbatussauda Habbat Spray :
Habbatussauda spray adalah cairan yg diformulasikan dan dikemas khusus untuk memelihara kesehatan mulut, hidung dan tenggorokan serta menghilangkan bau mulut serta bisa menyembuhkan batuk.

Selasa, 26 Mei 2009


Salah satu peluang usaha bagi UKM (Usaha Kecil Menengah) adalah membuat kerudung. Salah seorang teman saya bercerita bahwa dia mengenal seorang pembuat kerudung yang selalu mengirim barang ke tanah abang, sampai sekarang dia bisa kebeli mobil. Dari cerita itu saya berpikir bahwa bisnis kerudung untuk ukm merupakan suatu peluang yang bisa digarap.

Dan mungkin banyak cerita-cerita lain yang saya tidak tahu bahwa mungkin banyak pebisnis kerudung di luar sana karena dilihat dari corak dan desain kerudung yang begitu banyak. Nah mungkin saja apabila kita bisa membuat usaha pembuatan kerudung akan menjadi lahan bisnis yang bisa diseriusi.

Kerudung juga saat ini menjadi tren dalam usaha kenapa? karena banyak yang menawarkan untuk menjadi agen atau distributor kerudung. Karena biasanya kerudung mempunyai merk tertentu dan mereka menawarkan kerjasama dalam bentuk keagenan.

Mungkin peluang usaha kerudung bisa menjadi alternatif bagi anda yang ingin memulai usaha.

Kamis, 23 April 2009

Home designs

Usaha home designs atau mendesign rumah saat sangat dibutuhkan terutama yang ingin membuat rumah atau kantor atau juga bisa gedung. Usaha home designs sepertinya pas dengan jurusan arsitektur atau tehnik sipil. Saya sendiri sepertinya nanti butuh yang namanya home designs karena saya tidak bisa membuat rumah dan tidak bisa mendesign suatu rumah sehingga saya perlu jasa home designs.

Home designs atau mungkin bisa juga disebut home builders dibayar berdasarkan jasa design. Saya sendiri butuh home builders untuk rumah saya, yang saya inginkan adalah minimalis, unik, warna yang menarik dan kalem, permintaan design yang aneh hehe..

Home builders atau home design ini saya butuhkan agar membuat design rumah yang tidak mudah bosan, rumah kecil tapi tapi dibuat menjadi tampak luas, dan betah berlama lama tinggal di rumah. Insya Allah mudah-mudahan segera terbeli rumahnya trus dapat menyewa jasa design untuk homes saya.

Gambar di ambil dari sini

Minggu, 12 April 2009

Website design

Belajar untuk menjadi website design sangat banyak ilmu yang mesti dipelajari dari sisi graphic design seperti photoshop, flash, corel draw dan lain sebagainya. Kemudian dari sisi programming nya yaitu php, asp, css, html dan lain sebagainya.

Pekerja di bidang website design saat ini sudah sedemikian banyaknya. Saingan semakin ketat dan gaji jadi semakin murmer atau murah meriah. Sehingga kita mesti kuat di skill dan semakin banyak skill yang kita bisa, dan jangan setengah setengah. Dan mesti banyak berlatih juga.

Misal di bidang website design kita juga harus bisa logo designer juga ditambah graphic designer dan juga animasi adobe flash. Sehingga nilai kita bisa bertambah di mata perusahaan.

Usahakan kita jago di bidangnya sehingga bisa di bilang sangat mahir untuk hal-hal yang berbau website design.

Image from here

Jumat, 06 Maret 2009

Country homes and Cabins

Setelah kemaren mencoba menulis tentang Country homes di sini sekarang mecoba menambah konten untuk cabins. Blog ini hanya coba di isi hal-hal kecil aja tentang granny cabins, masalahnya granny cabins ini merupakan tugas kantor untuk menaikan posisi nya di

Granny cabins ini hanya sebuah blog kosong, tidak hal penting yang berada didalamnya, hanya untuk mencoba menambah kontent dari blog2 lainnya. Walaupun rada males update untuk granny cabins ini tapi harus di tambah agar menambah kesan di update terus karena google senang dengan fresh content.

Ya semoga aja mbah gogel berbaik hati agar halaman granny cabins ini segera di index :)

Rabu, 25 Februari 2009

Log Cabin Decoration - Pointers Galore!

Log Cabin Decoration - Pointers Galore!
Executive Summary about Cabin by Kathy Abhishek Agarwal

Mostly the country theme is employed when a cottage or even a log cabin decoration is undertaken. To be consistent with natural aspects with the freshness and simplicity nature offers, a log cabin would be a peaceful and tranquil place. Use of a country style envisages bringing the natural outside beauty, into the inside of the log cabin. Taking a cue from the nature, use of natural wood for furniture and flooring would be the most natural choice while decorating a log cabin.

Pine, cedar or birch definitely compliment the space, especially of a cottage or a log cabin. You might want to shift your old home furniture to your cottage or log cabin. You can choose warm colors ranging from light to medium shades for the paint or slip covers. Decorating a log cabin lays emphasis on coziness and warmth. For a log cabin decoration, bold colored fabrics of natural themes could be used. Budget has no real importance when you undertake decoration of a cottage or a log cabin. A cottage or a log cabin is meant for relaxation and this aspect should be foremost while decorating it.

Decorating with Modern Cabin Decor
Executive Summary about Cabin by Jessica Ackerman

Any home can have that cozy cabin feel if that's what the heart desires. People want the feeling of home and simplicity that cabin replicas bring into their lives.

The walls and interior spaces of a home decked out in the cabin's best style includes wall decorations that are mild and brave. Several walls are likely to be devoted to large wall hangings or interesting blankets and quilts. Round mirrors are most suited to the cabin look. The use of round mirror to accomplish the basic cabin décor can finalize either a regular wall or become the staple functional decoration in the bathroom or bedroom.

Round mirrors are almost port hole like, lending themselves the general idea of cabin lifestyles with their basic structure. When deciding on your basic cabin décor remember that tradition can blend well with the modern. Using varying wood types for the furnishings, and using fine wood types for the furnishings, creates a sweet look that can be added to and detracted from as needed. Using a teak armoire to hide the television when it is not in use presents the look of a rustic cabin while blending the realities of modern living into the home.

Decorating Your Lob Cabin - 4 Tips To Use The Cottage Theme

Decorating Your Lob Cabin - 4 Tips To Use The Cottage Theme
Executive Summary about Home by Abhishek Agarwal

Have you started a home decorating project with a theme in mind or are you still contemplating what you would like to do with your home? There is the Victorian theme or Country Home theme. It is the log home/cottage theme.
This theme is quite fun to decorate with.

1. Creating an earthly environment inside your home
A log cabin is considered a home away from home. Earthly colors in paint and fabric can come a long way for this type of ambiance in home decorating. No doubt, there are family pictures and handmade ornaments that are quite popular in garnishes for log home decorating. Any kind of object that reflects the family memories that a person has are wonderful for the log home/cottage theme.

2. Log Home/Cottage Theme Furniture - Where to Get Them
People, who are trying to redecorate their homes, search for used furnishings for their home. It is amazing the type of furniture you can find there to decorate your log home decorating project. Old-fashioned wooden furniture pieces are excellent in decorating in log cabin theme.

3. Log Cabin Accessories

4. Log Cabin Flooring
When people are choosing floors for their home, some natural woods that come to mind are: birch, cedar or pine.

Log Home Decorating Tips and Ideas
Executive Summary about Home by Kathy Burns-Millyard

Usually, people who choose to build or buy a log home are unconventional souls-"free spirits." Simplicity and natural ambience are key factors in log home decorating. Often, log cabin homes have very large living areas, so they can handle a number of woven patterns. Windows treatments in a log cabin should be simple. Typically, log cabins in pioneer days had very plain window coverings.

Because today's log cabin homeowners usually hold nature in high esteem, and windows are ways of bringing the outdoors in. Natural fabrics are the most popular choices for decorating a log cabin home. Americana folk art fits the log cabin decorating theme perfectly. Birch wood frames for photo collections, leaf-prints and pressed flowers under glass blend with antler coat or mug racks to highlight living in harmony with the natural world, the spirit that lies at the heart of all log cabin home decorating.